
This sponsored project facilitated by the College for Creative Studies was for automotive client Delphi. The project’s goal was to create a shared autonomous mobility system for the Great Lakes Mega Region for 2027. This was a group project with myself and 2 other communication designers. The project was heavy on research, visual design, system design, and presentation to stakeholders.

Key Details

  • Communication designer working with 2 other communication designers

  • 3-month duration

  • Speculative Design, UX Design, User Research, Mobility Systems, Interaction Design, XR Design


A shared mobility system.

Our team designed a custom driving assistant named ‘V’. V would be integrated into other connected systems and would work with the user to schedule ride times, personalization, and assist with mixed reality interactions while in the vehicle. Through user research our team discovered how vehicle ownership is very popular but perhaps with the idea that the was a




Nissan Assist